Fundraising Consulting
In partnership with client personnel and volunteers, Demont Associates offers the following services:
Periodic and intensive capital campaign counsel
Pre-campaign planning/feasibility studies to determine both external levels of interest and support for organizational needs, and an optimum campaign goal where feasible
Culture of Philanthropy Evaluations (COPE) ®
Internal assessments of organizational fund-raising
Preparedness Strategic institutional development planning
Executive Director and Board Chair training
Board and volunteer training workshops
Major donor awareness program design and implementation
Media direction and production to advance organizational and philanthropic capacity
Donor prospect research
Electronic prospect screening via industry-leading iWave platform
Campaign office management and training
Computerized management of campaigns, including cost-effective and manageable software support and training
Post-campaign and program transition counsel
Phonothon direction and counsel
Periodic advancement counsel
Planned giving counsel
Financial projection/pro forma for campaigns
As an active member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and subscribing fully to their code of ethics, Demont's fees are quoted in advance of service, and are not based on a percentage of funds raised or to be raised.